Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Rebels have gone wrong
Listening to rules regulating their ways of life
Restoring sense of normality in their sights, while their core beings cry foul and betrayal.

Good girls epitomise horrendous lifestyles, pushing manners outside
While hosting behaviour so absurd, their mothers’ prides die at the sight of cows leaving kraals
Fathers beat the flesh aiming to reinstate respect, dignity and wealth
Wealth acquired just by having their daughters’ boobs maintains shape
Enabled to entice Mr Penis behind the zipper.

We write, we sing and we preach one word in one world
But with one word we crash the one world we live in.
We’re leaving, heading towards a place so free and elevating, but that place is in us.
In fumbling on paths leading to our hearts we find comfort
But we refuse to embrace it in fear of debates and contrasts.

Fat bitches meanwhile breathe homophobic flames unto men who embrace beard.
Having suppressed lust for same sex, grown ass women finger adolescent girls
Trying to find their sexual stand, a dream is killed and a soul is buried
A mother is confused, a child is lost, and the world is messed up.

We live, we die and I’m told we live again, but we are lost in finding a way to be ourselves.
We seek the truth, we find lies, and then we realise there’s no hope for our lives,
Therefore we continue to lie. In fact, we die.

Happy read!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Victim of love

I lay my eyes on you, instantly I feel my heartbeat recites a fast pace while my lips run dry.
I have never met you, but you make me come, come and come some more closer to losing it...
I am a victim of love, and the Gods claim your heart as my sanctuary.

I sit alone and leave my mind to patrol and explore my feeling.
I feel assault in my heart; lust explodes leaving my parts sore.
I'm sore; in fact, I am hard down here, here on my left chest muscle.

I allow my zipper to breath and drop things low, and I let my being explore your parts.
You let me, he lets, they let me inside, but I come, come and come some more face to face with betrayal, hurt and danger.

I lift my hands up, I scream out loud making promises only too hard to fulfil.
I want you and I love you, so I lie to you.
You don't believe me, and so you leave me.

How do you love me and then leave me?
How do you want me, kiss me, need me and then ditch me?
How do you look in my eyes, utter words so fond of my heart and yet be keen on my brother?
How do you? How do you?

Every night, I sit up, try and find the lies in your "we're not meant to be".
Every night, I create lies from my truths just to impress and please you.
You come to mind, instantly my heartbeat recites a fast pace while my lips run dry.

I have never met you, but you make me come, come and come some more closer to losing it...
I am a victim of love, and the Gods claim your heart as my sanctuary.

Happy read!