Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Winners are at war

Winners are at war; belligerent and compelled to fight for what’s strictly theirs.
Their lips spit firestorms and they speak deluded insight.
We are at war with ourselves. We are at war with the colour of our own skin.
We are at war with what is right; fighting our way out of a plight.
Our complex, strong, and oh so inequitable minds emulate backbones loaded with sharp objects.
Winners are at war; belligerent and compelled to fight for what’s strictly theirs.
Why be happy when I can be thrilled making you dejected?
What is yours is not yours. It is mine and I will assassinate for it.
Why be rich when I can be rich making you poor?
Triumph is appealing to the eyes of those whose efforts are instinctively futile.
Winners are at war; belligerent and compelled to fight for what’s strictly theirs.
Brown bread and butter are not enough to those who are unschooled.
Scold poverty, and goodness and mercy shall follow you.
School your enemies, and madness and mediocre shall comfort you.
Uncouth behaviours reap more riches than the efforts of the prudent men.
Winners are at war; belligerent and compelled to fight for what’s strictly theirs.
Hunger has reached far deep; it’s entrenched on the grounds of resentment.
Corporate passages are unoccupied, our brothers are demanding what’s not theirs on the streets.
School doors are closed, our sisters lie in wait for answers in clinics and hospitals.
The Gods are confused. Our mothers and father are shunned. Why is our earth in flames?

Happy read!