Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our government, whose art is in promises

Just like any other year and like any other president who seeks popularity, President Jacob Zuma stated, in this year’s State Of The Nation Address, that 2011 is a year of job creation. Already the Department of Public Service and Administration website is flooded by vacancies awaiting potential employees to compete for them.

The private sector on the other hand, meeting the government halfway it seems, is doing what it can to assist in the scarcity of jobs. As a result, websites like Bizcommunity, Pnet, Career junction and recruitment agencies are buzzing with what seems to be opportunities for the unemployed.

But how does the process of getting employed work? Is it really possibly to eradicate the ever increasing rate of unemployment in South Africa or we are merely trying to hit a Mariah Carey note with Mary j Blige’s voice?

Laying a complaint

Ever since my mind grew to understand what is uttered by SA presidents, I have been grasping what a normal mind would only dub empty promises; abolition of crime, alleviation of poverty through youth and women empowerment projects, building of houses, yada yada BEE, yada yada bursaries for well deserving students and so forth. All these declarations never seem to be met, well at least NOT entirely.

Having said that, every erudite and scholarly mind, in my opinion, is well aware of the government’s failure to stick to promises. However, we all still lift our hopes and hands up high as if we are welcoming Jesus into our lives, knowing fully that nothing will come out of it.

Consequently, all we do is complain about what the government is NOT doing right FOR us. It appears, our minds have forgotten about Mr Thabo Mbeki’s Vukuzenzele initiative (wake up and do it yourself). Yes, this was mainly invented for the struggling farmers, but that did not mean that a struggling young man in the impoverished Tsomo area, in the Eastern Cape, should just wait for Mbeki to speak to him directly.

The government is at work. The government is delivering. The government is sorting out crime but this is ONLY benefiting certain people in certain areas.

The government is doing all that is possible to get rid of poverty, but this is only experienced by a certain number of people (including the corrupt vultures, of course). Also, the BEE concept is working, but not for every black person who qualifies will get to taste how it feels to a BEE employee.

What does this mean?

First and for most, it does not matter how hard the government lifts up weight in an aim to help and feed the hungry, shield the homeless and comfort the unemployable; it is just impossible to cater for everyone.

There will always be that portion or a number of people who will be poor, who will be unemployed, who will be victims of crime till the world comers to an end.

It is about time people quit looking up to government and expecting a love song to begin after screaming VIVA!

Chairs are fine right next to the table. Leave them for toddlers to lean on when trying to walk, and go out to start something that will bring you money.

Many projects are already in motions in many areas. So, don’t start your own because then as it will take ages to pick up. Get involved in the projects that already exist. Use your talent and what you good at.

Being good does NOT only refer to making the kinkiest moves when having sex; it refers to how you sing, how you dance, the way you draw, the way you cook and the ways herd cows or help build houses for the people in your community.

Not everyone will have a degree or a diploma. Not everyone with qualifications will get a job. So, one MUST do with what is do-able and available right now.

The truth is, you are the ONLY person who solely cares for yourself genuinely. The other people are using you as a ladder for themselves or their businesses. Why don’t you try and be like them then? Use them to grow yourself.

By the way, I hear the world is coming to an end next year, why don’t you start doing something for yourself? Go out and START a job.

Happy read!

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